Monday, March 26, 2007

observations sermations....

Hey y'all....I can't believe I haven't posted since sometime on Wednesday...that's just so not like me lately. I didn't do a Thursday Thirteen...I didn't post about my weekend or movies I watched. It's not because I was incredibly busy...and I did log on a couple of times, I just didn't feel like I had a heck of a lot to say...ya know?

But I decided to make this post...the things I would have said over the end of the week and the weekend.

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First heart goes out to Elizabeth Edwards and her family. That woman just seems so amazing and this cancer return just seems so unfair. And watching the Press Conference with John and's just so apparent how much they love one another and are committed to one another. I don't think John will have much chance of being President...but I admire him and especially his wife so much. My heart just breaks for them.

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My dad had a job interview on Friday with a company in's actually the company he used to work for back in the 90s. He said the interview went well...and expected to hear an offer. And he was right...he got the offer in the mail on Saturday. He is pretty sure he is going to take it...the money is about the same...and he won't have to commute anymore, which will be such a gift. It will save thousands of dollars a year in gas money...and it will also give my dad 2 hours back in his day. I am so happy for him.

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I am going to Florida next week...and I am excited. I haven't seen my brother in a few years and I actually have never seen my little, adorable nephew. I can't believe he is 2 and a half and I haven't made it down yet. Money has been tight, so I did the best I could....but I am so excited to see him. Now, I wish I hadn't spent the last 6 months gaining I am preparing to head down to sunny Florida, but won't be the end of the world, eh?

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You know...I am kind of a sarcastic soul. No, you say! Well...I think that is just a little bit of an example of it. I often try to be funny...and sometimes I am successful at it, but it is often a sarcastic joke, etc. A couple of times my roommate has mentioned in a joking manner that I am just mean...and well, once okay...but a couple of times or makes me think that she means it. So, it is something I am going to work on. I am not sure how good I am going to be at it...since i have been sarcastic since birth, but I am going to try. I like that I am a funny person, but not if it hurts people's feelings.

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I have been feeling a little more blue or down lately...a smidge depressed. It's not like I can't get out of bed or anything...just haven't been feeling great. I think part of it is that I haven't been sleeping all that well...and the biggest part is that I have been gaining or at least not losing weight. Plus...I haven't been working out like I need to. So, when I get back from Florida...I am getting a real, honest to goodness plan. I know I feel better when I move more. I know I feel better when I eat better. So, I need to take all these things I know...and actually start doing them. I think it will help my mood...and help me get back to the perky, smiley person I usually am.

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I think that's about it for now...see, I had plenty of stuff to talk about, I just didn't feel like writing anything. That happens sometimes!

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