Thursday Thirteen #16
I forgot that today was Thursday...since I was out sick yesterday. Here is Thursday Thirteen #16:
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I have worked at a video store for the past 2 I don't tend to own any movies...since I could always watch them at work or rent them for free. So, here is the list of 13 movies I own...hmm, I wonder if I even own 13. Let's see! 1. American History X This is one of my favorite movies ever...I think that Edward Norton was remarkable in this film and it is one of the few movies where I was left completely speechless after it was over. 2. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. This is one of my fav movies as well...and I think that Kate Winslet and Jim Carrey were phenomenal in this. It's a movie I could watch over and over again. I also love that Carrey plans the straight and narrow character...and Winslet plays the eccentric, funny one. Great flick! 3. Lost in Translation. Love Bill Murray...Love Sofia Coppola. I just think this movie is amazing. 4. Truth or Consequences, N.M. I love this's a tad bizarre, but I still enjoy it. It stars and was directed by Kiefer Sutherland. I just think it's an interesting look at human behavior in extreme situations. 5. Lost Boys. I think it's obvious why I own this movie...Kiefer as a vampire. Nuff said. 6. Chasing Amy. I used to own almost all Kevin Smith movies on tape, but I haven't gotten them all on DVD yet. Chasing Amy is one of my favs, so I bought that one. I think I own Jay and Silent Bob too, but I am not sure. Kevin is the bomb diggity! 7. An Evening with Kevin Smith. This is the best DVD ever...Kevin tells the best stories, they are so funny...the dvd has been rolling in the aisles. When I am in a cranky mood...I put in the dvd and suddenly...all is okay with the world. 8. Manic. I love this movie...I ended up renting it when I worked at the video store because it has Joseph Gordon-Lewitt in it..and I adore him and was surprised at how much I liked the film. Plus, it has Don Cheadle in it and he can do no wrong. 9. The Notebook. I was initially surprised that I bought this DVD...because it usually isn't one that would make it into the "I want to own them" movies. But, I was renting it almost continuously from the video, I broke down when we were having a sale and bought it. How luck would have it, since I have owned it...haven't watched it once. Still a great movie though...emotional and one of those, "I need to cry" movies. 10. The Believer. This movie also stars Ryan Gosling...and he plays a jewish, neo-nazi. Yep, that's right. I saw it at the video store and much like American History X...thought the story of how someone became so filled with hate was interesting, especially since he turns and decides to hate his own people. 11. Felicity: Season 1+2 I love Felicity...I completely fell in love with the show when I was in college. I plan on buying seasons three and four when I put a little pocket change away. 12. 24: Seasons 1-5 I believe 24 is the best show on tv...ever! Plus, it has Kiefer. I rarely watch them, but I am really glad I own them. I often lend them out to friends and attempt to get as many people as possible watching the 24. 13. Alias Seasons 1-4 I loved Alias...and was sad to see the show go, even though I also thought it was time. I haven't bought the final season yet, but I will when the price goes down. I was really drawn to the spy aspect and that the main role...the one that always finds a way to save the day...was female. |
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