Monday, July 31, 2006

struggled a smidge...

I struggled a little bit on my diet, etc this weekend....I was just so exhausted which led to me eating too much and not working out.

I closed at the video store on Thursday night...which didn't sabotage my eating (which it usually does), but it completely zapped my energy. I was too tired on Friday night to workout...and I should have gotten a strength training workout in. Then...on Saturday I had an 8am meeting at the video store...which meant that I couldn't sleep in. So...another dreadfully tired day. I ended up going to bed a little before 10pm...but still woke up on Sunday exhausted. And Sunday...complete lazy day as well.

Today...I am committed matter how tired I am..I am going home and jumping on that elliptical machine. I know that it will perk up my energy level...I just need to get my ass doing it.

Do it! Do it! Do it!

I have my official monthly weigh-in tomorrow...and given my crappy weekend, I don't think I will see much change...BUT...I also don't think I will see a gain which is what I have seen the last 2 months. It's a start...slow and steady...just need it to be a little less slow and a little more steady.