Friday, July 28, 2006

Friday Feast #104

Here is another Friday Feast. Hey...they are fun...and it is Friday, so why not!

Feast 104

What's the funniest dream you can remember having?
I know this is uber boring...but I don't tend to remember my dreams. The last dream I can remember...and this isn't really funny, but it is a dream. I dreamed that I was driving to work and every time I turned down a different road...I would end up some place in a field...or in the forest, etc. I kept calling work and telling them I would be right there, but never was able to make it. Hmm...maybe my sub-conscious is trying to tell me something, eh?

If you were a dog, what breed would you be, and why?
A golden retriever. One, they are so damn cute...this golden yellow color. And two...they are really good dogs...or so I hear. Plus, I always wanted to own one...and call it, I guess if I would be a dog...that is the kind I would be. And No...that does not mean you should start calling me pumpkin! *winks*

Continue this sentence: "I get confused when..."
I am over-tired...actually that is a lie...I get bitchy when I am over-tired. I get confused when there is too much going on around me. I always want to know what is going on with things, so I easily get over my head and confused.

Main Course
Name two things that need to be done, but you are procrastinating in completing.
I am the master procrastinator. I could teach seminars on how to procrastinate like the best of them! Finishing unpacking...there are so many things in my apartment that aren't in their correct and right place yet. I keep convincing myself that I have time...because I am ahead of my roommate in her unpacking. And the second...I have so much laundry that I need to get done. I just hate doing I keep putting it off.

When was the last time you tried something new, and what was it?
Well...I tried living with someone. I am such an independent person that I haven't often had roommates. So far...going well....we are getting used to living with other people. You know...I have such a desire to learn new things, I just don't do them. I want to learn how to fly a plane. I want to learn to be a volunteer firefighter. I want to learn how to scuba dive. I want to learn something like karate or tae kwan do. I think I need to pick one of those things...and just do it.