Monday, July 24, 2006 is it monday already?

This terms of eating and such...I wasn't perfect, not my a long shot. I did workout though...even though I got my 4 planned workouts in by Friday. So, I ran on the elliptical for about 45 minutes. And...when I worked at the video store on Saturday night...I didn't eat too badly and said no to free pizza when it was offered.

I did eat M&Ms on Sunday...and probably more than I should have had. But...if that is the worst that it is...then I am okay with that.

This plan is to workout at least 4 times and to write down everything I eat. I didn't write down what I ate this weekend, so I think that is what led me down the road of trouble. I weigh myself in at the beginning of next hopefully I will see a loss.

*yawns* alright off to work I go...and so begins another week!

P.S. I saw Benchwarmers this is being released on DVD on Tuesday. it was hilarious....definitely check it out. It was written by one of my fav comedians...Nick Swardson.