Monday, July 31, 2006

No Fast Food Month....

I have been watching Morgan Spurlock's 30 Days series during the past few weeks...both the new season and the previous season on DVD. It got me thinking about the amount of change that can happen in 30 days time.

Yep...that's right....I am proclaiming no fast food/take out food for the month of August. I have decided that I need to have a month where none of my food is on-the-go. I need to plan my meals...carry them with me if I need to. I need 30 Days of forcing me to think about every making it and not allowing someone else to make it for me.

That means no Dunkin' Pizza...that's right no Taco Quiznos....


I think it might be the motivation and kick in the butt that I need.

And to top it off...I am not ordering any fast food/take out tonight. In previous challenges, etc...the night before I would endulge in whatever it was that I was fasting, etc. NOt this fast food for the next 30 days.

I can do it.

Tomorrow is Day 1....