Monday, July 23, 2007

FS Weigh-In: 7/23

Hey's Monday and that means that it's my official weigh-in day for the diet, etc. As I have said before, I have been reading and doing Dr. Ian Smith's Fat Smash Diet. I am really liking's eating a lot of natural and really healthy foods. A lot of the food tastes really great too. There is this recipe for taco beans which just knocks my socks off...I sometimes have to be careful because I will eat too much of it.

I have been doing this diet for almost a month now...and so far, so good. Now, I haven't been perfect, but close to it. I did have a day where I made a big plate of tacos with crunchy shells and lots of cheese (even though I wasn't supposed to eat the shells and wasn't supposed to eat that much cheese), but I survived.

So, enough babbling...what were the results:

I lost 5 more lbs. when I stepped on the scale this morning. I had lost 4 lbs. before starting Fat Smash, I lost 6 lbs. in Phase 1 of Fat Smash and now I have lost 5 more...for a total of 15 pounds lost. Right now I want to lose 45 lbs. in I have lost 33% of my goal in ONE month. That really kicks ass. I couldn't be happier.

I am now officially in Phase 2 of the diet...which means I could add meat back in (if I wasn't a vegetarian), I can eat a little bit of cheese everyday, I can drink one diet soda a day (which I don't plan on), and I can eat a cup or so of cold cereal if I want (but probably won't do that either)....but that cheese...I don't see myself saying no to that!

The one thing I really need to make sure I am doing is exercise. I didn't exercise much last week...because it was that girly time of the month and I just didn't feel like it. But, I know I need to. My goal this week is to workout at least 4 days out of the week.

That's a check in for me..on how I am doing at losing this extra pudge! Happy Monday everyone!

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