Thursday Thirteen #18
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I's quite sad that I know I can list 13 reality shows that I watch. I always say that reality tv is trash...and often it is, but sadly...I also really enjoy it. Here goes my list! 1. Top Chef-BRAVO. I love this show. I wish I knew how to cook and I love to watch what they make and the drama of it all. The finale was on last night and thank god that Ilan won! I wanted Sam to win...because he is dreamy and because I felt his dishes were fabulous. I just think this show is great...and can't wait for season 3! 2. Project Runway- BRAVO. I loved this show before I loved Top Chef. I think it is fabulous and the designer drama is just wonderous! And...they often make such beautiful dresses too! Nick was my favorite from Season two...thought he should have won. I was so glad when Jeffrey won last season...even though Kayne was my favorite by far! 3. Dancing With The Stars- ABC. Love it! I love that the people actually have to learn a skill instead of just being drama queens. I also think that the dancing is just so beautiful. Who did I think should have won last season? Mario...absolutely....and not just because I watched Saved By The Bell as a kid! 4. So You Think You Can Dance?- Fox. Can you tell I like the dancing shows? I used to dance all the time as a kid...ballet, tap, jazz, etc. This one is a little different because they are actual dancers, not celebrities...and some of the dances are just breathtaking to watch. Who did I want to win last year? Travis...all the way. He made it to finals, but was beat by Benji. I loved Benji, but not like I loved Travis. 5. Celebrity Fit Club- VH1. I used to watch Biggest Loser, but I don't really anymore....because I think it shows an unrealistic view of weightloss. That is why I like CFC. They show realistic, slow weight loss...focused on diet and exercise.'s great to watch those B level celebrities struggles with weight and body issues just like the rest of us. 6. Workout- BRAVO. I started watching this show when it premiered last year. I think it's great. It's about the trainers at an LA gym...and their semi-crazy, little bitchy boss. I like that they show success and struggles of the clients they work with...but also show the lives of the trainers. I'll be looking forward to watching season two this spring. 7. Real World- MTV. I don't even like The Real World anymore...but I still watch it. I remember 10+ years ago...when the people on the show were somewhat average, normal. is just finding the trashiest, slutiest, racist, judgemental people ever...and putting them in a fish bowl to hook up with one another and fight constantly. But...much like a car accident...I just can't look away when it comes to the Real World. Oh...and I love those challenges too. 8. Wife Swap- ABC. Between Trading Spaces and Wife Swap...I like Wife Swap. It's always interesting to see two different types of families and how they function together for 2 weeks. What is most interesting to not the drama in the beginning, but what the family learns afterwards. I am always amazed that the families seem to take the best from the other family and incorporate it into their lives. Trading Spaces seems to be all about the drama...Wife Swap has some drama, but I see it more about the experience. 9. American Idol-FOX. Alright, I admit it...I watch it. I always watch it during the beginning weeks because I am thoroughly entertained by the trainwreck auditions. I usually stop watching once it gets into a full blown competition...except last year. I was really mesmerized by Chris Daughtry...loved that bald rocker. And once Chris went home...I really started to love Taylor. I thought he was fabulous and something completely different. I was really happy to have him win. I don't know if I will keep watching AI after the audition weeks this year...we'll have to wait and see. 10. Intervention- A&E. This show is realistic, fabulous...and also breaks my heart. I think it sheds some light on addiction and what people go through. I also think that it shows how hard recovery is...since the people often relapse after treatment. These are really little mini-documentaries on addiction...with the added benefit of providing the opportunity for treatment for those involved. Check it out if you get the chance. 11. What Not To Wear- TLC. I secretly want to be on this show...I know my fashion isn't the best and I would love 5K and the advice of some NYC fashion divas to get some nice, new digs. Now...the circular mirror and the mountain of shame...not so much, but the new clothes...absolutely. My only problem...I would never let them through away ALL my clothes because realistically...5K doesn't buy that much clothes, especially in NYC. 12. Trading Spaces- TLC. I haven't watched this as much as I used to...but I still love it. I think it's a great idea...2 couples making over each other's rooms. And...sometimes it is such a beautiful room...and sometimes I think the designers are on crack with what they come up with. If I owned my own house...I would love to be on this show as well. 13. Inked- A&E. I love this show....if I was ever in Vegas and wanted another tattoo, I would get it there. I love, love, love...Dizzle! and the sad thing...I could list more reality shows that I might watch! |
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