my new part time job!
Thank god is it Friday...this week has just dragged on for me. I worked at the video store last night and then had to get up even earlier this morning...because I had to drop my car off to get inspected and then get a ride to work. My car needs to be inspected in October and well...I am running out of October.
I ended up making a decision about the video store...and giving my boss a heads up last night. I am planning on continuing to work at the video store until the beginning of January...and then quitting.
And then...I am going to join the Y and basically treat the Y like my part time job. I am going to commit to spending at least 15 hours a week there. I figure there is no reason why I can't do that if I am not working at the second job. I can either go before work...and I won't be so tired anymore because I won't have the late nights at the video store. Or...I can go after work...and I won't have to schedule that around the video store either. And...I plan on taking a class or two of their step/aerobic classes.
And here is the final idea of my "The Y is now my part time job" plan. If I get my 15 hours in during the week of working out...then I pay myself. I put away a certain amount of money...I am not sure how a savings account. Then...I am able to use that money on fitness related things...or for a much needed and deserved vacation, etc. So, I plan on paying myself...not a little, but still...for getting my workouts in.
That to me...sounds like the best plan I have come up with all year long. I know I need to leave the video store...I know I do. I know that I need to join the Y. You fit them both together...and viola!
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