Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Looking at my weekend woes...

So...I am going to plan ahead in hopes of tackling these weekend problems I seem to be having.

First...I am going to analyze what some of my problems might be...and then look at solutions or at least ways to minimize the damage.

Problem #1: I often work the closing shift at the video store on Thursday night...why does this help sabotage my weekend? Well..my friend...this is why: I end up being super tired by Friday night...and so I come home...don't workout like I should...and often eat something yummy and comforting...and well, not diet friendly. It ends up setting myself up to accept a bad weekend by not getting what I need to get done on Friday...which leads to a lazy Saturday...and then a lazy Sunday.

Solution #1: Well...this week it is easy since I am not working on Thursday. But in the realm of still working on Thursday...hmm...what will my solution be? Well...I could quit the video store, but well...I don't think I am going to do that. So..here is my quasi-solution...I am going to pre-plan my dinner for Friday on Thursday. I am going to know what I am making for dinner...so I don't order out because I am tired and cranky. Also...I am going to do some kind of exercise, but not make it as intense as usual. I am going to plan something like taking a long walk when I get home from work...or just getting on the elliptical for 15 minutes...no more. If I don't see it as a mountain of exercise I need to climb..when I am dead tired...I think I can still get it done.

Problem #2: My exercise is not as routine and scheduled as it is during the week. My standard schedule during the week is wake up, go to work, come home, workout, make dinner, etc. But on Saturday and Sunday...suddenly there isn't so much structure. And...since I usually get my workouts done during the week before my roommate gets home...suddenly on the weekend, I don't know when to get it done.

Solution #2: I am going to structure my workouts a little more on the weekend...and I am going to make them things I can do outside the apartment..at least while the weather is nice. I am going to go for a nice, long walk...or go for a jog around the apartment complex. And maybe when the winter comes...I will consider joining the Y a little more seriously.

I think that is enough trouble shooting for now...let's see how this works! *winks*