Wednesday, February 08, 2006


My workday was well...interesting. I wish I could go more into detail...cause it is a pretty interesting story, but you know...confidentiality and all. I should have all my clients sign releases for my blog as well...that would make it a lot easier, eh? lol All I will say is that it wasn't interesting in a bad way per se...just interesting.

And...I had a dieting yippee moment today. There is a co-worker who has been out on maternity leave, so I haven't really seen her for about 2 months. We chatted briefly this morning...and then when I passed by her office later in the morning, she said..."Have you lost weight? You definitely look thinner."

That really felt great...because it is someone who said something who didn't know I was losing weight or on a diet. So, she didn't say it out of th obligation because I am on a diet. It just confirms for me...that people are noticing out there in the real world. And...I know I am beginning to look different. My sweaters are looser...and my pants which used to be almost too tight...and are almost too loose.

It's a nice feeling all around...and just the motivation I need to keep on keeping on.

Now admit just can't stop thinking about how my day was interesting! I knew it! *cackles*