Thursday, January 19, 2006

i am a rock star....

That's right...I am a rock star and this is why:

I could have crumbled and gone off plan...a million times today, but I did not. Read this list of my fabulousness and adore me!

1. I had an incredibly stressful day at work today...where I was constantly wondering how I was going to fix something that basically was unfixable. I had the family calling...the lawyers calling...the judge calling...and no idea what to do. We all know I am an emotional eater...and usually days like this get me to eat something really horrible for me. But, I didn't...I didn't eat the cookies a co-worker brought in. I didn't go to the vending machines...I didn't get something horrible for lunch. I checked my emotions...realized why I wanted to eat a whole cheesecake and moved on.

2. A co-worker's last day is, we went out to lunch to celebrate her today. We went to Pizza Hut's lunch buffet. Yep, that's right...not only pizza...but a buffet. So, I was smart..and had a plan before I went in there. I just had the salad pizza...just salad and 1/2 a breadstick. I was really proud of myself because not only was I in my "emotional eating" zone, but I once again said no to lots and lots of pizza.

3. I ended up staying late at work today...because of the craziness. Usually, I get home...have enough time to have a snack, relax a little...and then I get to my sweaty workout. So, when I got home...everything in me wanted to skip the workout for the night and somehow make it up. I was tired and stressed...and didn't eat pizza, so I wanted to convince myself I could skip the workout. But, I didn't...I got home...immediately put my workout shoes on...and didn't even sit down in front of the TV. I knew that if I sat down and started watching some crap tv...I would never get up. So, I worked out...worked out hard and then made a healthy dinner.

Everything that is supposed to mess up my game...happened today...and I am happy to report that I dealt with it and kept on plan like a rock star!

GO ME!!! *does the robot like the geek that I am*