Wednesday, February 01, 2006

The sad State of the Union

Last night was the State of the Union Address for 2006. A lot of my democratic friends don't watch events like this...because they say it is just a waste of time and it gets them upset. I disagree....if I like it or not (and I don't like it)...Bush is our President...and burying my head in the sand doesn't make that untrue. So, I think it is my responsibility to hear what he has to say about the direction he wants to take our country in.

It was an interesting State of the Union....Bush was less arrogant and cocky than he usually is....which is probably because his approval rating is in the high 30s. is obvious how absolutely divided the Congress is. I usually condone solely partisan actions, but I have to say...I LOVED it when the Democrats stood up and clapped when Bush said that Congress did not take his advice and pass the changes to Social Security. I loved it because it gave the Democrats a voice and an ability to show that they still have a smidge of power...and I loved the look on Bush's face when it happened.

Now...I think Bush's speech was a lot of the same. I did find it funny that Bush is coming out hard that the US is addicted to oil. How did the Bush family make all their money? Hmmm.... So, for decades Bush relied on that addiction to oil...but's a HUGE problem. Okay...

And, I still don't accept his answering about the spying program. Let me say...I don't have a problem with people being listened to if it can help stop just needs to be done in the correct way. If you can't get a judge's approval beforehand...fine, no problem...but you had better go to a judge afterwards. That is the rule. That is what Bush is not doing. That is my problem....fight terrorism, protect our country...but don't use that as an excuse to break the rules and just do what you want. The President should stand as an example to the American people...

And...when I heard Bush talk about the cutting the deficit in half...I cringed. What is his plan??? The only thing he mentioned was cutting 140 programs. He didn't mention which programs...but we know which programs he means. He means public assistance...programs which help the poor and needy. Those are the programs which he is looking to order to fix the money problems of our country. That is unacceptable to me....plain and simple...unacceptable! Every single other war president has raised taxes during times of pay the financial price. But, Bush has refused.....instead he is requiring the people in this country who are least able to pay the bill for this war...the poor, the sick, the uneducated. He doesn't want his rich friends to foot the bill...but that single mother of three...working 3 jobs...barely making rent...and needing assistance to heat the house and put food on the table...she'll end up paying for it. *sighs*

And as for the Democratic response...I was not impressed in total. I have never heard Va. Governor Kaine many other people in the country. I know why the Democratic party picked him...because he is much less likely to be partisan, etc. I respect him for that...since I often hate that each side needs to kick sand in the faces of the opposition just for show. But, I didn't like him...and his style. It reminded me of a Kindergarten teacher...who seems to explain everything to the kids very slowly. He just repeated the same catch phrases over and over again. I listened to Barack Obama this morning on GMA...and he was so much more effective. He wasn't combative...and talked about the real issues facing the people, the Democratic party. I was inspired by him. I *heart* Barack!

Anyways....I haven't blathered on politically in a while...but, was only a matter of time. I listened to what Bush had to say and once again...I don't see much hope. I just see more of the same.