Monday, January 02, 2006

first workout....89 to go!

Hey y'all....I just finished my first workout since I turned over a new leaf....made my sick of watching my ass grow, etc....

I am doing Power 90...which is this set of workout tapes that I have. I used it last year...and really liked it, so I thought I would go back to what I know works. There are 4 tapes all together. There are two levels...level 1-2 and level 3-4. And within each level...there is a cardio and a circuit tape.

I used to shy away from weights...because I thought it would slow the scale down...and it does. But, I know now...that if I gain muscle...I will get stronger and healthier...even if it takes a little longer to get the scale to that magic number.

I was a little sad when I finished working out tonight...because I remember how easily I did the tapes last May...when I was uber healthy. And now...I was struggling through the workout....and this was just level 1-2. So, it reminded me just how much I have given up...and let myself go.

BUT...I do remember my first workout last year...and I remember it being even harder than this one was. Once I got back into it...I was okay. So, all was not lost....and I can't wait until a month from now...when I can breeze through the workout.

Wish me luck...I'm excited...and energized, but I know I am going to need to stay WAY focused to make a go at this!

P.S. I promise for the 3 lowly readers I have...that my blog won't turn into me just talking about weight loss and exercising and how many carbs are in that! I promise to still have a life...and to blog about it! And...I also promise to blog here more often than I have in the past few months.
