Friday, November 11, 2005

The final stage of my moving into my new apartment happened today...I hooked up my cable internet and moved my computer over to the apartment.

So, right now...I am typing in my very own apartment.

I adoringly love my parents for putting me up for the past year...while I was making NO money...and having to live dirt, dirt cheap...but, I really missed my independence. I missed being able to come and go as I please...I missed being able to make my own schedule. I missed being able to workout whenever I wanted. I missed being able to have friends over...and not having to ask mom and dad first. I missed being able to get up at 2am and mill around the place if I wanted to.

So, I am feeling at home in my new shindigs...I still have a lot of unpacking to do in order to make the place really feel like home, but I am so happy to be here.

Off to watch some trashy cable...and fall my NEW APARTMENT!