Sunday, November 20, 2005

getting back in gear...

I's been a while. I have either been working or lazying around...or just dealing with stuff I either don't want to write about or can't write about. One thing in particular at work is driving me nuts...but I can't really blather on about it here...confidentiality and all. But it sucks...

Anyways...I am writing...once again from my very own apartment which I couldn't be happier about. I really enjoy having my own schedule again.

But guess what...that means I have to take this weight loss/exercise thing seriously again. I have let it go for too long. So, tomorrow...I am going to weigh myself when I wake up. I am going to start writing down everything I eat I won't eat a whole box of cookies and stay in denial about it. And, I am going to start working out again. I have a whole extra bedroom...which has been designated the workout, I had better get to working out.

I am lucky this week...I only have to work at the video store on, I will have time for lots of working out. So, no excuses this week, eh?

Wish me luck!!!