Thursday, December 29, 2005

a new year upon us....

It's that time of year again....when we all make resolutions about what we want to change and how we want to be different. I usually get very grandstanding about how I am not going to make resolutions because you just set yourself up to fail....and how it needs to be a lifestyle change and not just something you are doing because it is Jan. 1st.

Oh well...I am making new year's resolutions anyways.

1. I am going to be a better friend. I have come to the realization that through the last some of my long time friends...I have been a pretty crappy friend. I haven't kept in touch....I haven't called...I haven't emailed. I have basically stayed friends in word alone...not in action. I am going to do better at that....because I adore these people so much and in the last year, I really haven't honored them. So, to my friends...I am sorry, I will do better. I promise.

2. I am going to get this healthy lifestyle back. I stopped working out...and kept eating horrible food. So, I am going to lose these 50 pounds that I need to...slowly and healthy. I am going to workout and take time out to take care of myself. I know I can do it...and I know I feel better about myself when I do.

3. I am going to eat out less...whether it be pizza or drive through Taco Bell. I need to make my meals at home and not take the convenient way out.

4. I am going to make plans to take trips to visit the loved ones in my life. I am going to plan to make a trip to Florida to see my brother, his wife...and my cute as a button nephew. I am going to plan to go to Mass and Vermont and visit friends there. If I am feeling like an adventure, I might even plan a trip to Indiana to see old friends.

5. I am going to get more involved in things...whether it be organizations, etc.

I think that is enough to begin my 2006....and if I can look to do these things, I can see my 2006 being a lot happier and healthier.

I hope the new year brings joy and hope to all those around me...

Much love,