Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Sometimes I amuse myself...

I got a nice shout out over at Fatfighterblogs.com. Yeah...and it's not even my birthday...YET! *winks*

Here is my amusing story for the day....

Yesterday I got home from work, watched a little bit of tv, ate a handful and a half of peanuts...and then got my motivation in strides and jumped onto my elliptical for the daily workout. I run on my elliptical while I watch TV...and I was watching something pretty funny...don't remember what...maybe SNL...anyways...and so I was running and watching TV and laughing out loud. Well that was just too much all at once and umm...I *almost* fell right off the damn elliptical. I started to loose my balance and then did this bizarre move that reminded me of Neo in The Matrix in order to right myself on that damn machine...my water bottle went flying and the front of the elliptical actually even lifted in the air. My roommates cat witnessed the whole thing...and I think she might be traumatized for life! *giggles*

And the kicker...all that action...and the remote to the TV which was in my hand...was still firmly in my hand when all was said and done. Priorities, eh?