Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Get SMART Personal Mission Statement...

Here is my second homework assignment for the Get SMART Challenge going on over at Renee said that we didn't have to post this...since it was personal, but well...I am usually not shy about sharing the personal, especially since about 4 people read this site, etc.

Plus...weight loss is personal...and I think that if we can't address the out and open, we will never be successful.

My personal mission statement:

Shelley strives to be healthy, fit and active in all areas of her life. She strives to fuel her body with foods that help her obtain those goals instead of foods that abuse and damage her body. She strives to move her body with purpose and energy on a consistent basis. Shelley strives to be strong in body, mind and spirit. She strives to be comfortable and proud of her body and the amount of work that has been put into it. Shelley strives for happiness beyond her weight and the size of her jeans.