Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Get SMART Challenge...

So, I love the idea of challenges...I can't help myself. I love the idea of being accountable to a group of people and to myself. I am officially starting the Get SMART challenge. This challenge is being hosted by Fatfightersblog.com. You should check it out...and play along!

Here is my first challenge homework assignment:

1) Define SMART Fitness Goals

S- SPECIFIC: I want to be at my goal by January 1, 2006. That means I would need to lose 21 pounds from now until the end of the year. That may seen unrealistic since it has taken me 8 months to lose 29 pounds. But..I also know I didn't spend all that time focusing on my goals.

M- MEASURABLE: In order to make my goal weight by January 1st, I would need to lose 5.25 pounds each month. I want to keep with my monthly tracking since I think that has helped me not be so hyperfocused and OCD prone in the last couple of months.

A- ATTAINABLE: In order to lose 5.25 pounds each month...I will need to burn or reduce 18,375 calories within the month. That means that I need to reduce my calories by 4594 each week.

R- REALISTIC: In order to make my goal realistic...I am going to reduce my caloric intake and add in exercise. I need to shave off a little over 600 calories every single day. I plan on cutting about 500 calories each day and then working out at least 3-4 times a week. On days in which I am working out...I can add in 100 calories, if I need it.

T- TIMELY: My first mini-goal is to lose 5 pounds by October 1st.

There ya go...those are my goals and I know they are completely do-able...as long as I don't lose focus. I tend to start with great emotion and conviction...and then I let go and pack back on a few pounds. I know...that much of it is mental and for the next few months...I need to work on that as well...because until I do, I know that I will continue to cycle this pattern...again and again.

Wish me luck...and heck...why dontcha join us????