Monday, April 03, 2006

Week 13 Check-In: Good news all around....

It's week 13 and things are still going well. I kept on track really well this week...and didn't allow eating and hanging out with friends to totally mess up my weight loss game. So, here are the results:

That's right...I lost 2 pounds this last week. I am almost halfway to my, that really hit me for the first time when I wrote it down. And the kicker...I completed 7 workouts this past week. I did two strength training workouts and 5 cardio runs on my elliptical. I ended up going 14.35 miles on my elliptical this last week.

And..I can fit into all my jeans now. I used to be able to fit into my "fat" size 12 jeans, but the other size 12s still didn't fit. I tried on the rest of the size 12s and they fit. They are snug and make me look like a stuffed sausage, but well...they fit! Yippee...

Life is good folks, life is good!