Tuesday, March 14, 2006


I logged onto the computer this morning....because I was awake and thought I would surf around a little bit before my alarm went off. So...I was looking at the articles on Yahoo when I saw these two articles who basically are the definition of irony.

Bush Expresses Confidence In Iraq's Future


Baghdad Police Find 69 Bodies in 24 Hours

I mean...when are we going to admit that whatever we are doing...isn't working??? When are we going to admit that Iraq is becoming my generation's Vietnam more and more everyday. I am saddened to hear every single day of the loss of life in Iraq...by the US soldiers and th Iraq people....and the numbers seem to be increasing and increasing.

I do not think...like many of my democratic friends that we should jump ship in Iraq right now, but I do think we need to look at the problem. What we are doing right now is NOT WORKING. We need to admit that...and stop burying our head in the sand and saying that everything is going to work out. Everything is not going to work out...not if we continue going the same way we are now. Now...all I know is...more troops will die...more hostages will be taken...more Iraqi people will be killed. That...right now...is inevitable.

I just feel so hopeless about the situation over there right now. I desperately need a leader...someone I trust...someone with vision...to at least show me a way in which the situation in Iraq can find some peace...some possibility of giving that country the freedom that America promised. Remember Operation Iraqi Freedom...yeah right!

My heart sinks....