Thursday, February 14, 2008

Love the one you're with....

Hi all...I wanted to pop on and wish everyone an awesome and love filled Valentine's Day. Even for the chronically myself, celebrate the holiday. I can remember when I was in college and myself and some of my bitterly single friends would call VDay...Black Hearts Day. At least I don't feel like that anymore.

I made some yummilicious brownies last night and brought them into work. I say they are yummilicious because that is what the office told me, but I don't really know...since I didn't eat any of them. I believe them though...since they started eating them at 8:15am and there weren't any left at 11am or so. They looked, I will probably make them again.

And, if my roomie is lucky...I have a couple of them saved and she might get one. I got one for my dad and an extra one for my roomie (Hey Roomie...aren't you glad you got me my $2 now! TWO DOLLARS!!!). I think I am going to go hang with my dad for a little bit tonight since this is his first Valentine's Day since my mom passed away. I don't think he would say anything, but I imagine it's a tough day for him.

Plus...I have tomorrow OFF WORK...and Monday too. I am looking at a 4 day weekend. I am excited about that. I don't plan on doing a heck of a lot...working the apartment a smidge...going for my usual run. And I don't hate work or my job, but I am loving the idea of 4 days away from it.

Enjoy the holiday...share the love!!!!

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