2007: Week 5 Weigh-In
Hey everyone....it's Sunday, so it is officially weigh in day. I was nervous about this week because I didn't go to the Y at all. For part of the week...I didn't feel all that well and then for the rest, I was either recovering or just being lazy and using recovering as an excuse. Next week...I will be going to the Y...because I didn't join just to have money sucked out of my pocket.
So, here are the results:

Whoo hoo...given the crap, I lost a pound. Now the sad truth is that if I head back to my parents' house and watch the big ol' football game with them...I will probably gain that pound back. There was a news story where they said that people tend to eat over 1200 calories while watching the game. I don't plan to be that bad, but there will probably be a lot of snacking. Oh well...more reason to go to the Y next week...A LOT!
And I feel really rested...I took a nap last night about 4pm. I didn't fall asleep until 5:30 or so...woke up about 8pm...ate a grapefruit, was still tired...and fluttered back asleep off and on between 8 and 10...and then fell asleep for good. It wouldn't be shocking that I woke up off and on since about 4am. My body was rested...but my mind said...god lord, it's 4am! I ended up waking up at about 7:30am for good...and watched a crap movie on Lifetime (find something else to watch at 7:30 in the morning on a Sunday...I dare you!)
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