the election is almost over!
It's election night...I went and voted at about 1:30pm and then went out and did some grocery shopping. I will be so happy when the elections are over tomorrow. The campaigns were so nasty this year...with both sides spending more time slinging mud and spreading lies...instead of saying what they will do. It's all so disheartening.

Speaking of the news...there is a lot of election coverage there should be. know what disturbs me?? That tonight...ABC will halt election coverage from 8-9:30pm in order to air Dancing With The Stars. Ugh. This upsets me...don't get me wrong...I like Dancing with The Stars as much as the next person...and want Mario and his dimples to take it all...BUT...I do think the election results should take priority. Can't Dancing With The Stars take the evening off? Isn't the results of who is going to govern our nation worth that? Guess not.
Oh...and speaking of the most important news in the world...Britney is filing for divorce against K-Fed! Isn't that a shockaroonie???? Who would have seen that one coming???
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