Monday, May 01, 2006

Week 17 Weigh-In: A little heavier....

This week...well, life didn't go to plan. I ate out almost every meal this weekend and then had to work on Sunday night and ate pizza and some candy, etc. So, let's face it...this week sucked.

The thing is...I saw this coming weeks ago. I tend to have a period of doing really well...and then I feel the self-sabotage coming on. I ate just because...I bought ice cream...I bought some candy....I ate out with friends...I had a sub for lunch. It's like I needed to not only step off my diet for a bit...I needed to do everything exactly opposite.

And here are the numbers for the weeks:

I gained 4 pounds this week....stepping on the scale hurt. I knew it would be a gain, but was hoping for a pound or two, not 4! Do I think I actually gained 4 pounds? Probably not...I didn't eat my whole body weight in greasy, salty, sugary snacks. So, I think my body got a lot more food in it this weekend...and it reacted. I hope that the pounds come back off the following week. But if they don't....I'll survive.

And, I have learned to be a little less OCD with give myself more slack so that maybe this time next month, I won't self-distract.