Saturday, March 13, 2004

UJ: Survivor Sucks!

At least in my opinion, Survivor Sucks....can't stand reality shows like that because they are all about manipulating and shadiness...and shows the darkness of people and the world.

I know, a tad dramatic for a Saturday evening!

But my point is....reality shows don't need to be like that, even if they are voting people off. Shows like "The Mole" and "The Amazing Race" and even "MTV RR/RW Inferno" have my respect. Why? Because the person who PERFORMED the worst is the one to GO HOME. The person who gets the LOWEST score on the quiz in The Mole, goes home! The one who gets to the finish line LAST in "The Amazing Race," goes home! The one who LOSES in the "Inferno," goes home!

Those games are still entertaining...and chuck full of drama, but they also have a smidge of fairness to them.

Last Thursday, Friends was a repeat, so instead of watching the repeat, I switched over to Survivor to see what was going on. I thought it might be mildly entertaining. So, I watched an hour of crap...and saw that the most athletic, capable person...Colby, was sent home. Why? Because of strategy and because people thought he was a threat to them winning the game. It is amazing how shady people get at the thought of a little intimidating competition. By the end of the episode....I was left with such an empty feeling. What is the point of watching a show if there is nothing even remotely fair about it?

I know millions disagree with me....but alas, Survivor isn't the show for me.
