Friday, February 20, 2009

Best wishes for the River Rats!

I am not really a hockey fan. My brother is. He loves the sport. Me, not so much. I'll take baseball and basketball anyday. Honestly, I'd rather watch syncrhonized swimming than watch hockey, but my loathing of hockey is not the point of this post.

Our local hockey team, the Albany River Rats survived a horrible bus crash on early Thursday morning. They had a game over in Lowell Mass...and were driving back home to Albany when the bus slid on the ice, flipped over and then hit a side guard rail. Luckily, everyone is alright. 4 players and one announcer were brought to the hospital for everyone else on the bus continued on home to NY.

The accident happened at 3am. The reason they were traveling so late is because their first bus broke down and it took a couple of hours to replace it. And then the second bus flips over. Sheesh. Talk about bad luck. Oh yeah, they lost the game in Lowell too.

I wish the players continued healthy and the injuried ones a quick recovery. They have cancelled their game for tonight. And if I was the players, on the next bus ride back to town...I'd board the bus wearing my complete hockey gear.