Friday, October 13, 2006

trying to not be friends with the germies...

So far...I am holding strong. I went to the grocery store and bought some Zicam and some echinacea. I have been using the Zicam every 4 they say to...and so far, so good. I can still feeling a little bit of sickness kicking around in there...but I will say I am a believer...the Zicam is helping.

Most would will get to rest this weekend. But oh now my friends...this weekend is jam packed full. I can't remember everything I am doing this weekend...but I do remember that it seemed pretty gosh darn full. There is a Church Festival on Saturday...which is ALL day long...lots of grocery shopping to get things for recipes...helping my mom with making pies...going to church on Sunday...making chili with my mom...and maybe a trip to BJs.

*yawns* I am tired...I want a nap! *pouts* And I just wanna be healthy...and hopefully my sickness will not take full force and let me be. I am hopeful!!!

All praise Zicam!!!