Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Good riddance....

So...Joe Lieberman did not win the democratic primary in Connecticut yesterday. So sad.

Let's just say I am not a fan of Joe Lieberman. I don't think he is shining example of the democratic party. He was on Good Morning America this morning...blathering on about how the two political parties are becoming so polarized (which he is right about), but sadly Joe's solution is to not find middle ground, but instead be a token for the Republican Party. Since Lieberman lost the Vice Presidency...he has become this quasi-Republican in Democratic clothing. Joe's response is to walk around holding hands with President Bush while not supporting any of his democratic friends. Look at his voting record lately folks.

He says he is going to run as an independent. You know what Joe...just run as a Republican. It's what most all your policies align with anyways.

It's not shocking that Clinton says he is not going to support Lieberman in an independent run. It's not shocking that Al Gore refused to campaign with Lieberman when he was asked. It's not shocking that Chuck Shumer and Hillary Clinton (NY Senators) are coming out in support of Lamont (the candidate who beat Lieberman). It's not shocking that Democratic leaders were standing around Lamont last night. Lieberman let down the Democratic party a LONG time, it should not be surprising that the party is not standing with him now.

Good Riddance Joe...Good Riddance!