Thursday, September 01, 2005

how time flies...

I can't believe it is September 1st seems like this summer has just flown right by. It makes me miss those a kid...when the summer was about no responsibility and just playing at the park or the beach all day long.

Or...those times in college...when the summer was about that elusive break (which was usually full of more work than anything else), but was that time off school before you returned for another year, etc.

I thought about being a school social worker for about a second and a half...and I loved the idea of that job for a lot of reasons, but one of them was definitely the perk of getting school vacations and summers off. I had visions of spending a summer backpacking through Europe, etc.

Next Monday is Labor Day....and back to the grind we go! But then again, I love the fall season...I find something so energizing about the changes in colors and when the air that that cold nip to it at night.

Happy Thursday y'all....