Tuesday, November 09, 2004

TV Tuesday Week 31

Guess what kids? It's time for TV Tuesday!!! Click on the site and play yourself....it's fun, I swear it!

Week 31 - Election Coverage

Well now that's it's over, maybe it's safe to look back on. LOL

I am not sure it is safe....since it seems like things are still pretty heated out there, but I'll try! lol

1. Do you watch political coverage? If so, how much?
I watch a good deal of it....first of all, I watch the debates because I think they are crucially important. I also tend to watch a lot of political coverage...since as shows like Meet The Press or others like it. I get annoyed at Fox News, so I don't tend to watch those and you couldn't pay me enough to watch the O'Reilly Factor. Oh...and don't forget...get your political coverage at The Daily Show. You get info, you get laughs, you get Jon Stewart...who could ask for anything more?

2. Does political coverage effect how you vote?
It gives me information, but I also know how biased it is...so it often does not effect my vote. I usually will see something on the coverage and if it interests me, I will do some research myself and find where the truth is within what they are reporting. In this last election, I didn't need any kind of coverage to tell me who I was voting for....at all.

3. Do you think the up to the minute coverage of returns effects those who haven't yet voted?
Most of the time, I would say no. I think a good portion of people who are going to vote...have already made their mind up by the time they wake up on election day. The only people it might effect are people who maybe weren't going to vote, but they see a result coming that they don't like...so maybe they will grab their coat and head to the polls.

~Bonus~ Do you think there should be guidelines for political ads? For example, banning putting other candidates down.
For sure I do. I think there should be some group or organization that has to approve all political ads. We can't have a commercial for allergy medicine that has anything inaccurate in it, but we can have a political ad chuck full of lies and manipulations of the truth. Both sides do it...and it sickens me. I think that there should be some way that the ads need to be fact checked...before they are allowed on the air.