Thursday, October 28, 2004

Theatre Thursday Week 23

You guessed it, it's time for Theatre Thursday. Here goes!

Week 23 - Scary movies.

It's that scary time of year again. Halloween. With that in mind...

1) What's your favorite scary movie?

Well, that's an easy one. My favorite scary movie...which is just terrifying every time I watch is Stephen King's It. That movie makes me scream in terror...and leaves me looking in drains, behind doors and wondering about every clown I see. Oh yeah, did I mention that I also have an irrational fear of clowns. *shudders* They are just evil! EVIL!!

2) Are you more into the lame scary movies that make you laugh, or the straight up - scare the bejesus out of you - scary movies?
I think both have their value, but if I was to pick would be the straight up - scare the bejesus out of you movie. Those are the movies that stay with you.... But in the favorite scary movie is an intellectually scary that gets inside your head. It's not about the gore it shows you...but what horrific things it makes you even consider. *shudders*

3) Scary movies - best viewed alone? Or with a crowd?
In a crowd...sometimes it is embarassing...when you jump out of your seat, etc...but that is what makes them so much fun.

BONUS) You've parked your behind on the couch for a marathon of scary movies. What 5 scary movies are on your list?
I don't watch a lot of scary movies, but these would be my picks.
1. Nightmare on Elmstreet I: It's the original and has the very hot Johnny Depp.
2. It: See description above.
3. The Vanishing: This is a classic example of that intellectual thriller. This movie terrifies me every time I see...mainly because it gets in my head. Plus...Kiefer is in it. Nuff said.
4. Silence of The Lambs: Do I need to even explain?
5. Se7en: This one also messed with me mentally and emotionally. I personally think Kevin Spacey is uber creepy.

Those are my picks...what are yours???