Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Get Out The Vote

So...with the election a little less than a week away...and it seems like everyone under the sun is blogging about political things (which I don't think is a bad thing, by the way).

Here is my question....and answer honestly, please!

So, with any election year...there is a constant press to get people to register to vote and then to vote. There are organizations all over the place...from both political parties who proclaim they want everyone to register to vote. Now, I think these organizations are great...because I long for a system where all of our people vote, but I also think that sometimes they are more pandering than not.

What do I mean...well...

What would you prefer? Would you prefer to have as many people vote as possible and have your candidate lose? Or would you prefer to have a smaller number of people to vote and your candidate win? Which would you choose?

I hear people say all the time that they want everyone to vote and they don't care who they vote for. And you know what...nice, valiant effort...but I don't believe them. I think they want as many people who agree with their platform or agenda to vote...and in all honesty, as few people who disagree with them too.

I have felt that too. I do hope for a day where a majority of our people we can see a true consensus of what our nations wants. But, I also know that I am excited and a tiny bit comforted that more young people have registered to vote this election than in any other election. Why? Because statistically young voters are more likely to vote democratic. I am excited that there are a larger number of people have registered to vote for the first time in this election than any other election. Why? Because in terms of voting behavior...those who chose not to register in previous elections and change their mind to register...are much more likely to register to make a vote of change against the current system.

So...answer the above question in the comments. Answer your bold and honest answer...and not the obviously politically correct one. Thanks.