Monday, May 10, 2004

UJ: Shelley loves her mommy....

My mom doesn't read this...or at least, I don't think she does. But, I wanted to say Happy Mother's Day anyways...even if it is a day belated.

She is an amazing woman...and I am luckier than I have words to express that I am her daughter. Every once in a while, I think about how myparents have shaped who I am in my life. There are so many things they showed me...and taught me.

My mom and I are definitely different people. I don't think I appreciated that as much as I should when I was growing up. I love and respect her for it now...and how she loved and accepted me, even though she didn't always understand me.

My mom taught me many things....

-She taught me how to see the full of opportunity.

-She taught me to stand up for myself.

-She taught me to find out for myself what the difference was between right and wrong.

-She taught me to be loving and accepting of those around me.

-She taught me to stand up for what I believe in, even if it isn't an easy thing to do.

-She taught me to think before acting.

-She taught me to always be asking questions and to continue seeking out answers.

-She taught me to question authority.

-She taught me to be compassionate and bold.

-She taught me to make my own decisions and to know why I am making them.

-She taught me about love and marriage...through her shining example.

-She taught me about thinking about others, while at the same time not losing yourself.

I know I wouldn't be the person I am without my mom...and for that, I am grateful. I was raised to think and ask questions...and to find my own answers and I can't even express how awed I am by that. My parents gave me freedom and responsibility. They way I see the world...and my place in solely because of the world my parents showed me.

I love my mom...and wish I could have spent Mother's Day with her. I am heading home in a few days...for a long, extended weekend, so that will have to be good enough.