Monday, May 03, 2004

UJ: random thoughts

I haven't been writing that those faithful 2 or 3 that still read this thing...because things have been complicated and I haven't really felt like I could write about it. I still don't. I will say that work is complicated...and that complication makes my job both suck and blow at times. I am mulling over a couple of different options...but nothing has moved from the mulling phase.


Coffee is gross. I just made a pot of coffee for work....and tried a sip to make sure it wasn't too weak or too strong. How the hell am I supposed to know...since no matter what, coffee just tastes nasty! lol Why does coffee have to smell so good and then taste so bad? It seems like another nasty trick God is playing on us. I have been a consistent tea drinker for years...but coffee was never my scene. Part of me really likes that since I would never want to be that person who NEEDS their coffee before they can function in the morning. I woke up at 5:41am this morning...and nope..had no coffee. I meant to make a cup of tea, but alas...I forgot.




I have been drinking a lot of water's my new kick. I stopped drinking soda altogether. I was drinking...maybe 4 or 5 sodas a day, maybe more. They were diet soda, but still...that just isn't healthy and the amount of sodium...ick. So, I decided to stop drinking soda and just focus on water. I have been drinking...get this...pretty much a gallon of water a day...give or take a few ounces. At was pretty hard...mainly on my bladder...but now, it seems pretty normal.

Why am I sharing this with might be pondering to yourself.... Well, I bought SmartWater the other week...not because I think it will actually make me any smarter, but because I liked the size and shape of the bottle. It's a 50 oz. water bottle, so I can take it to work and slowly drink it while I am there. Anyways...I also like the bottle because it makes me giggle. They have little witty captions on it...such as "side effects of SmartWater may include being called nerd, dork, geek, dweeb, brainiac, know-it-all, smarty-pants, smart-aleck, bookworm, egghead, four eyes, einstein or being mistaken for the I.T. guy." Things like that...just make me chuckle!


John Mellencamp was on the radio the other morning...not just one of his songs, but he was being interviewed. I think it was an older interview...from a few months back, but I enjoyed listening just the same. UNTIL...he talked about not wanting to make any more records because he woudl just feel silly if he did. He talked about the record industry and how they don't look to establish artists anymore...instead they just want one good hit. He talked about how music doesn't mean what it used to... He talked about how when he was growing influential music was...and that he would wait with anticipation for the newest album from his favorite artist to come out. He said he feels like the industry is so vain at this point...he doesn't even want to be a part of it.

I think what John is saying is valid, but I have to critique his choice. If the music industry is so vain...and that angers you...instead of walking away, fight the good fight. Maybe John just doesn't have the fight in him anymore...but well, if that is true, it's a sad day in Mellencamp land. I don't know...I equate it to politics. People say that politics and government are corrupt...and it is true. But then those people decide to disengage from the process...and walk away because they are so enraged by the corruption. When how does the system ever change if the only people who are involved are the corrupt ones? How is music ever going to be able to return to the time John was talking about...if those who care about it just walk away.

Plus...I am bummed as someone who does care about the music and not the clothes and the awards and the drama. I would be one of those who still anxiously awaits the release of one of my fav bands albums. I see that music is vain...and all about Britney Spears and such, but that is why I choose to support artists who I actually consider to be musicians and not puppets.



I don't think I have anything else to share with you on this Monday morning.
