Wednesday, April 28, 2004

UJ: Women's Rally in DC

This Sunday there was a Rally for Women in Washington, DC. I watched most of it on C-SPAN. The main point of the rally was to bring attention on the issue of women's rights and reproductive health. I think, especially given this administrations stance on abortion and controception, this rally was crucially important.

I was also kinda sad watching it...mainly because I wasn't there. In years past...there is nothing that would have kept me away from a national event like that. And, I think in years past...I was much more of an active feminist than I am now. I had more friends who were active feminists...we worked and lobbied on issues that related to women's rights. Now..I still lobby, mainly on issues of homelessness and poverty, but I do feel this disconnect to the feminist movement. I still feel like just as much of a feminist, but I don't feel like I am as outward about it. I think that is something I need to work on...and to change.
