Friday, May 07, 2004

UJ: friends

I watched the last episode of friends last night...along with what was probably the rest of the nation. I always tend to get emotional on series finales...and I did...but not as much as I expected to. I think when the episode ended...I wanted to see the cast walk out for a bow and applause. It didn't seem over because they didn't do that.

I did get kind of depressed while watching, but it wasn't about the show. For much of the ten years...I would spend my Thursday evening watching Friends with friends. I can remember always watching Friends in college with a whole group of people. It was a ritual of ours. And then when I was in grad school and until about a year ago, I would watch friends with some friends out here. Well, two of those friends have moved and one of those friends is no longer a friend. So, I tend to watch friends at home by myself...without friends. It's just kinda sad...when I think about it. I mean...I know I have friends, but on Thursdays I am often reminded of the friends I used to have which are no longer in my life. Yeah, I know...woe is me.

And on to the actual show. I thought the last episode was good, but I wish it had ended differently. One, I expected them to set up Joey leaving for LA sometime in the show...since he is going to be in the spinoff Joey.

Two, I seem to be the only one on the planet who is not happy that Ross and Rachel ended up together. One, I find Ross and Rachel both to be verging on annoying...and at times very self absorded. So, they aren't my favorite characters. I personally liked Rachel better with Joey...I thought they were better matched and that Rachel was a better person when she was with Joey. And secondly, I was unhappy about how it ended with Ross and Rachel...mainly because of the choice that Rachel made. Rachel just ditched her career and all that came with it, to stay with Ross. I would have been much happier if she said to Ross on the answering machine, "Ross, I love you...but I need to go to Paris. I need to do this for me. Even in Paris, I will still love let's work this out, but I have to work it out and still get on this plane." I guess as a woman and as a feminist, I don't like the image it sent...that it is okay to throw away your career and everything you are working on...for the love of a good man.

Three...I fully expected Monica and Chandler to name the boy baby Joey and was kind of disappointed when they didn't.

I'll miss friends...I really enjoyed spending my Thursday night watching it.
