Tuesday, May 04, 2004

UJ: voting with the enemy

Today was the primary election in Indiana.

It wasn't an incredibly exciting election...since the presidential race is already decided, but I do adore voting, so I voted anyways. I wish I could have voted for Howard Dean, but alas...it wasn't in the cards.

And...get ready for this one...I voted in the Republican primary!!!

Yep..I did. It was a strategic move. I only voted in one category...which was the Governor's primary. I decided to vote that way because one of the candidates was just horrible...so, I voted to vote against him. If he became the governor of Indiana...*shudders at the thought*

I did ask...twice...if voting in the Republican primary would change my party designation and they said no. Cause if it ended up that I was a Republican, that might just hurt my soul!
