Monday, May 17, 2004

UJ: *grumbles*

Rant in T minus 5, 4, 3, 2, 1....

Ok, so you know what pisses me off?'s when people write things they know are going to be controversial on their blog and then at the bottom make a little statement such as, "If you don't agree with me...that's fine, but I don't want to hear it. Go away." Etc...things along that line just really get on my nerves. I mean...I fully respect and actually honor someone who is willing to write about something they believe in...something that is important to them...something that they are passionate about, but to pretty much discounts all that to put that kind of tagline at the bottom.

Cause you know are left with a bunch of comments with people all agreeing with you...and telling you how right you are. Well...duh! You asked all those who don't agree with you to not say anything and to go, well...let's see...maybe they did.

I say things in my journal all the time...that are partisan, that are close to my heart...and that I feel strongly and passionate about, but I welcome comments..I welcome to hear if people don't agree and why. I don't welcome being harassed and spammed, but to say that you aren't even open to a conversation. grrr...yep, gets under my skin.

And it bothers me even more when it is someone I like and respect who does it....

Oh well...I didn't post my comments, I went away. I may not agree with their opinion, but for sure...I can follow directions.

Rant officially over.
