Friday, December 21, 2007

Sunny Florida...well, it's a little rainy today...but still!

Hi to all out there on the internets!

My dad and I made it...and are now in sunny Florida for the holidays. We did have some car trouble....I think because we kept boasting about what GREAT time we were making. We were in Maryland...about to hit the W Virginia line...and the tire started making a foul noise. Dad thought it was a tire going...we pulled over...tire is fine. So, we naively went on our way...and the noise got WAY worse. So, we pulled over at the next exit...and by this time, smoke was pouring out from under the tire. We found a little repair shop and they were able to fix it...and seemed honest to boot! It was a wheel bearing that went bad...and the guy said if we didn't stop when we did...the tire probably would have fallen off while we were driving! Eeek...glad we stopped when we did.

Other than that...the trip was uneventful. It was a nice ride...and my nephew is seriously the most adorable person on the planet. I love love love playing with him...and, it is a great way to get my exercise in.

I hope everyone has a great holiday...I will check in from time to time...and say hey...but if it is a choice between running around after my cute lil' nephew and updated y' know where I stand on that one.

Hugs to all...

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