Tuesday, February 27, 2007

stuff with a side of stuff

I got a little bit of a bloody nose when I got to work this morning...eww...gross. eww.

Oooh...and I changed my mind about what I am giving up for Lent. I decided to change it up and not give up the same thing I always give up. As I said in another post...I usually give up the candy and pizza. I am going to watch how much candy and pizza I eat...but I am not going to give it up like other years. The thing I am going to give up...is those gosh darn slushies that I buy at the local Cumby's. I have been eating up a storm of them. One...they are gigantic...and only cost 75 cents. And two...they are yummy and cold. I have been having at least a couple, if not more, a week. SO...for Lent...I am not drinking the yummy frosty goodness which is better known as a Slushie!

And...as for food and exercise. I did pretty good yesterday. I got home and ran for 40 minutes on my elliptical. I also had a snack later in the day at work...so I wasn't as hungry when I went home. And...I had a pretty simple dinner. I did have a little more than I planned for dessert, but nothing that is going to break the bank. I was happy to be working out again...even if it at home and not at the gym. I think I plan on working out at home again tonight too...and working up to going back to the gym next week.

That's about it...for my boring, mundane update for the day!

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