Thursday, January 12, 2006

going cardio CRAZEE!

Today has been a good day...

I got home from work about 4pm...and at about to my cardio workout for the day. For those who don't know...I am doing the Power 90 program and today I am doing the cardio tape.

I love the Power 90 tapes...cause they kick my ass, but are also dealable. They kick my ass and keep me going...unlike some other tapes, which kick my ass into quitting. I was really successful with Power 90 this time last, here is hoping.

Today, I killed the cardio tape....I really pushed myself and didn't allow myself to do any of the modifications that Tony offers you. And you know the time I got to the cardio punching, I felt G-R-E-A-T! I felt like I could have run a marathon...twice.

Now...once I got to the 5 minutes of abs, I was once again getting my ass handed to me on a platter, but you know...small victories.

At this point, I am not really seeing any significant changes in my body, etc...but quickly I have seen my level of endurance and fitness improve...and I couldn't be happier.

Alright...gotta go...My Name is Earl is on. Later.