Saturday, December 04, 2004

my heart breaks....

This picture just breaks my heart...for many reasons.

One...because I desperately wanted this man to be our next President. I know...he lost. I have accepted it, but my heart still breaks...the honor of this man is not lost on me and I would have loved for the next 4 years to have him as our shining example.

Two...and more importantly, it is one more soldier who is returning in a casket from Iraq. That is truly heart breaking. I feel so deeply for the family and loved ones of this soldier...who lost someone so dear to them while they were serving their country.

Three...because I am sure much of the right just thinks this is a photo op for Kerry...instead of a man truly understanding the costs of war and only to engage when it is the last resort. That soldier didn't have to die. It was a choice. Bush chose to go to war...and chose to put that soldier in harms way. War is a choice....sometimes it is a choice of necessity, but it is always a choice. I think it is important to remember remember that even if we choose to believe that this war is about freeing people (which I don't) that thousands of US soldiers have to come back in caskets in order to even conceive of making that happen. That cost of war will always break my heart.

There are more reasons, but that is enough for now.

In closing, let me just say that I am honored to be someone who voted for John Kerry. Truly honored.