Thursday, December 02, 2004

It's Thursday already??

This week has just flown past...but since it is Thursday, I will get to my Thursday picks.

Blog of the Day:


I found Yvonne's site through Jen's site...since she is on her blogroll. I started reading and was immediately sucked in. Yvonne and I often have differing points of view...but what draws me in is her honesty and her heart...and of course, how madly in love she is with her family. Plus, she is hella funny...her posts either make me wanna cry or laugh until my sides hurt. Plus, she got to meet Todd Glass...and hug him and jump around with him. I am SO jealous of that! lol She's a gem...go read for yourself!

Website of the Day:

I am a fan of Netflix...and have been using their service for months now. One, it is a cheap way to get videos...and no hoping that they have the movie in that you want to see at the video store. Two, there are no return dates, so you can return them as early or as late as you want to...I always return them super early...since the earlier you get them back, the earlier you get your next movie...and therefore each movie is in essence cheaper. I know...I am a penny pincher...I know. And three, you can get movies at Netflix that you would never be able to get in your local video store. Those stores..especially the chains, cater to the big movie blockbuster, so they often just don't bother to get small, independent films. I have been able to see a variety of movies through Netflix that I wouldn't have been able to find otherwise.

There ya have, I must go to work...i must...i must...