Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Our system is so flawed....

So, this is the second election where I was still up at almost 4am...hoping to hear a decisive answer about who is elected President. We have to have a better way to do this....

In the end, I most of the nation does, that Bush will win Ohio. But, I also think it is a responsible move of John Kerry's to wait and find out...especially with the long lines and the provision ballots in Ohio. I am surprised to learn that Kerry didn't do better than he did...but well, I will accept it because the people have spoken. I am saddened by it though...because GWB doesn't share my values...he doesn't consider the same things to be crucially important.

I still have a complaint...a pet peeve. It's about the electoral college. It's bullocks man, bullocks! It's it obvious that the system just doesn't work. Part of me thought it was just revenge to have Ohio called for Bush and then have it contested again...I think the RNC camp felt the panick that we felt in Florida in 2000.

But, that's not my point...Bush won the popular vote...just like Gore won the popular vote in 2000. The contest should be over...instead of concentrating on winning a certain state. There shouldn't be a battle still waging right now...if our system is truly had each and every vote count. It's hard for people to truly believe that every vote counts...when it only seems that every vote counts when you live in Florida or Ohio. I will always is my civic duty...and I think it makes our country stronger, but the presence of the electoral college...really is a deterent. It makes me not want to bother....

Bush is going to be re-elected...unless something quite magical happens in Ohio. I think that Bush won the "Get Out The Vote" effort with his core group...and I think that surprised me most of all.