Thursday, August 14, 2003

UJ: power outage

So...the day seemed normal as could be for me, until I got home from work and watched the news. It's the first time I heard of the power outage that is happening on the east coast. I guess it started near Niagra Falls in Canada...and the main grid went down, which caused all the connecting grids to also go down (which is a safe measure).

So, I called my parents...who live in NY and they have been out of power for hours. And my brother just got power back where he lives. When I talked to my dad about 7pm, he said they hoped to have power back sometime tonight, but who knows.

So, I am glad I have power...and hope that my family gets power too.

The power goes off here because of storms a good two or three times a year...and i always notice how bored I am when the power goes out. Almost everything that entertains us needs to be plugged into the wall in some way. I'm not able to use the computer, watch movies, watch TV, play games, use the phone (since I have a cordless phone)...and the list goes on and on.


P.S. That lovely friend of mine still hasn't called...we were supposed to go on vacation together in about a week and at this point, that trip is nixed. I have no idea if she still wants to do that, but now at this point...I don't. I don't want to spend a week of my vacation with someone who can't seem to bother to return a phone call. It's too bad though...we were going to visit a friend and now I am gonna miss not being able to see that friend.

Oh well...I won't pretend I am not bothered...that I don't seem to matter enough to this person, who was pretty much the closest person I had here in Bloomington, but in the is what it is.