Monday, August 04, 2003

UJ: some people are just jerks!

So, I was reading my friend Jen's online journal and she told how someone was just a huge huge jerk! This person had no consideration for anyone else...just their own good time. Things like this enrage can people be ok with being like that? What is wrong with the world? You should read her site and get the account of her asshat:

So, it got me thinking of this jerk of a lady who I came across yesterday. Here the little story...enjoy!

It was mid afternoon and I was getting together a shopping list to go to the grocery store. So, I get to the store and buy my items. I have about 10 or so items and I go to the USCAN checkout. We have this option of being able to check yourself out without a cashier. it's really quite nice and I tend to use so I can see everything ring up and because I have such few items that it usually saves me time.

There are 4 USCAN registers....2 on the left and 2 on the right. People wait in line for the ones on the left in one line and the ones on the right in another. So, I was waiting in the left line and it was to be my turn as soon as someone was done.

So, then right in front of me...this woman just strolls her cart up in front of the first register on the left. She just sits there waiting for the woman to be done.

I look at her and realize what she is doing, so I say to her... "excuse me maam, people waiting for that register are in this line." I was being as nice as can be, since I thought she just didn't know.

So, she snorts and looks at me and says..."Well, I thought you were waiting for that register. " and she points to the one behind the one her cart is in front of. Then she says, "I am waiting for this one right here." And then she stays right there.

So, I say, "No, I am waiting for whichever one is next and since that one will be done first, that is the register I will be going to. There is a line over here. That is how it works."

So, she says it such a nasty tone, "oh, that is how it works? Well, I didn't know there were such RULES here." She starts moving her cart back over to the line on the right (where her cart was in the first place) and she keeps muttering, "Well, isn't it nice when customers can just make the rules about things. That must be SO nice." And mind you, she isn't alone...she has her two kids with her. Both of them looked like they were under ten.

The register in front of me opens up and I go and use it. She and I finished about the same time, except she needed to right a check. So, she went up to the cashier's station to give her check and I walked by at the same time.

She mutters to me, "Thanks for clearing that up for me. I REALLY appreciated your help."

Oh, I wanted to bitch slap her. I wanted to say, "Oh well, I guess you don't think you need to wait in line like everyone else Princess!" I wanted to say that and some other things....but I didn't.

I didn't say anything...wanna know why? because her kids were with her. I thought it was already bad enough that her kids had to witness their behavior, I didn't think they needed to be exposed to anything else. But just think about it, that woman just showed such a horrible example to their kids.

So, that is my asshat story for the day!
