Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Lasik...should I?

Since I started working at my current job...I have had a few health related goals. One is to get the much needed dental work done. I am very close to completing that goal. I needed to wait until I had dental insurance and then wait until the initial period was that my work would be covered.

Another one of my health goals is to research and heavily consider Lasik Eye Surgery. I have been wearing glasses since I was about 13 years old, maybe earlier and I have been wearing contacts since I was 15 or so. Without my glasses in...I am basically blind. I would love to have the surgery so I don't have the complication of glasses or contacts anymore. I don't want to have to over think it when I go I take my contacts out and be blind? Do I leave them in and just not open my eyes in the water? Plus, I think that the price of contacts and glasses and such...over time, it seems like a very good investment.

But I will be honest, I am scared to seriously even think about doing this. One, it is expensive and we know how cheap I am...and two, there is always that chance that something will go wrong, etc. I think contacts are a hassle, but I would imagine being blind would be much more of a hassle.

There was an article in USNews about Lasik recently where they wrote about the importance of selection the right doctor when getting the surgery. Glenn Hagele stated in the article that no amount of technology can make up for an inexperienced surgeon. Hagele is the founder and Executive Director of, which is a website all about Lasik and patient knowledge and advocacy. The article also went over in pretty specific detail what happens when you get the surgery which is important to know. I watched an episode of "How It's Made" where they showed the process of someone getting Lasik and it was just fascinating.

Here is a little more information about what they do over there It's a really great website with a lot of information. It's nice to have one place to go to, instead of searching through tons of websites. It has a great link which has 50 Tough Questions for Your Lasik Doctor. I learned so much from reading these questions over. I would never have thought to ask many of these questions. An example is to ask if your doctor has had an malpractice suits lately because of Lasik surgery. I know that is important, but I didn't think that is something that people typically ask. Now many of the questions I just didn't understand, but then again...that just shows me how much more research I need to do.

From reading on the site, it also says that evaluates and certifies Lasik surgeons based on patient outcomes, so this is a site that knows what they are talking about. I often see Lasik sites from either the doctor or someone affiliated with it, but of course...we know that they are more interested in getting you as a customer than giving you fair and balanced information.

I have a couple of friends who have done the Lasik procedure and I need to sit down with them as well and talk about their experience. If Hagele is right and selecting the best surgeon is often the key then I need to find out how it went for the local people I know. My roommate had the surgery and a local judge I maybe it's time to send them an email or sit down and ask them a bunch of questions.

I guess it's time for me to stop being scared of the surgery and it's cost...and actually get out there and research it!
