Thursday, August 19, 2004

Movie Review: Bad Santa

So, I rented a couple of DVDs last night...I rented Kill Bill Vol. 2 (which I will get to later) and Bad Santa. Well, I thought that I would think Bad Santa was crude, but hella funny. Let me say:


I am not a fan of that all. I don't think I laughed once. I think a lot has to do with how much I thoroughly dislike Billy Bob, but still...I just didn't think it was funny. I kept waiting and waiting for it to be funny. I got the unrated Badder Santa version who knows, maybe I would have thought the just simple Bad Santa would have been funnier.

Why didn't I think it was funny? Well...I thought the plot line moved way too slow so that the Santa character could be as crass and mean to children and adults around him as possible. I thought the Santa character was so unrewarding that I didn't care when he wanted to help the little kid he was living with...that twist of the movie didn't resonate with me at all. And...I guess I just didn't find a movie funny that told the man joke for 90 minutes...swearing as much at kids as possible. Just not funny!

If you have seen it...and well, find it funny...feel free to tell me about the error of my ways.

More on my take of Kill Bill Vol. 2 later...which was much more satisfying!
